NERDS aka North European Resonance and Dissonance Society will bring you the taste of the most adventurous music festivals in our area. A freshly formed alliance unites the key events and organisations working with experimental and innovative music in the Nordic and Baltic regions. They are selecting the wildest, most unusual acts for TMW 2024 – expect a line-up ranging from surreal sound manipulators to freaky electronica wizards and leftfield-leaning pop auteurs.

This showcase’s main keywords are experimentation, avant-garde and a little noise in between. Reykjavík’s Post-dreifing artist collective’s member MC MYASNOI, Finnish cult band K-X-P’s co-founder Kaukolampi, mysterious Latvian Lunt and Poland’s most exciting accordionist Zbigniew are only a few examples of this intriguing showcase.

NERDS are: Skaņu mežs (LV), Extreme Chill Festival (IS), Insomnia Festival (NO), Intonal Festival & Inkost (SE), Alter Festival (DK), Kontula Electronic (FI) and CTM – Festival for Adventurous Music and Art (DE). New members will join the initiative soon to ensure exposure to our rarest birds and expand the audiences’ horizons.


06 Apr 2024



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Telliskivi 60a/9, 10412 Tallinn, Estonia